The School of Arts and Crafts of Santiago opened its doors on February 19th in the San Clemente building (current Rosalía de Castro High School).
The inauguration was presided over by Eugenio Montero Ríos, great mentor of the School’s creation project.
D. Ramón-María del Valle-Inclán enrolled in the subject of Decorative and Figure Drawing. We cannot guarantee that he was a very good student.
It was celebrated the Galician Regional Exhibition which was aimed at “demonstrating the degree of advancement of industry, commerce and Arts”. In this exhibition several teachers of the School won prizes and medals. This piece is preserved today, it is displayed at the School’s 2nd floor.
Ibero-American Exhibition at Seville. The School was awarded with the Diploma of Honor for its overall artistic contribution. This piece can also be seen at the School’s 2nd floor.
The transfer to the San Agustín building was made, but only the first and lower floors were used (nowadays all the five floors are used). The condition of the facilities was really bad.
A plan to fit out the entire building was discussed.
Between the 1910’s and the 1960’s, the study plans did not change. In 1963, a new law was promulgated to regulate studies in Schools of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades, which, among other things, introduced the possibility of obtaining a degree in the studied specialty.
Since then, the School of Santiago has started teaching the specialties of Decoration and Advertising Art; Design, Delineation and Artistic Drawing, and that of Applied Arts Workshops or Artistic Crafts.
A reform project was carried out and a new extension was added turning the old one into an L shape and creating a square at the back of the building, as it is preserved today: “Praza do Irmán Gómez”.
Higher education studies are implemented.
The new Superior Studies of Design are implemented, which changes the School name to “School of Art and Superior Design”.
For more information, you can consult the book “Historia de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Santiago de Compostela” by José Sousa and Fernando Pereira (Deputation of Coruña, 1988), where the photographs on this website come from.